勤慎论道 第二十九讲
Preparation of oligoaza-nanographenes from pyrroles and their aromaticity
报告人: Prof. Hidemitsu Uno
单 位:Ehime University(爱媛大学)
时 间: 2019年10月21日 (星期一) 下午 14:00
地 点: 勤园22号楼402
Prof. Hidemitsu Uno received his Ph.D degree from Kyoto university in 1984. He became a full professor in Integrated Center for Sciences of Ehime university in 2003. From 2015, he was appointed the executive director and vice president of Ehime university. His main research contents are the synthesis and application research of organic π-conjugated photoelectric materials, including π-contracted and π-extended porphyrins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and doped nanographenes.
Nanographenes attracts much attention from many scientists in a variety of fields. For organic chemists, their syntheses, structures, and properties are some of the main recent topics. We have started the project concerned with chemistry of HexaPyrroloHexaAzaCoronenes (HPHAC) derivatives and their analogs as oligoaza-nanographenes, which are all made of sp2-hybridized carbon and nitrogen. We have succeeded in preparation of the highly twisted and highly planar analogs with aromatic, non-aromatic, and anti-aromatic characters starting from pyrrole and perhaloaromatic compounds. In the lecture, I will discuss about our recent results on synthesis of the analogs and their properties depending on their oxidation states.