勤慎论道 第七讲
题目:Direct CH Functionalization of Heterocycles: Towards new Space, Functional and Structural Diversity
报告人:Hoarau Christophe
Hoarau Christophe was born in France in 1971. He has studied organic chemistry at the University of Lille where he received his PhD degree in 2000. After working as a postdoctoral associate at the Dyson Perrins Laboratories of the Oxford University in 2001. He then worked as an assitant professor in the University of Rouen (France). He received his habilitation in 2007 and was promoted to professor in 2012 at INSA of Rouen, heading a group dedicated to‘Catalytic direct functionalization of heterocycles’ in the team ‘Heterocycles’ at the UMR COBRA. He is member of the editorial board of the ARKIVOC journal and the international scientific committee of European Colloquium of Heterocycle Chemistry (ECHC). He is also involved in the chemistry department of the engineering school of ‘INSA de Rouen’.
1) Catalytic direct functionalization of heterocycles involving C-H and C-CO2H bonds
2) Transition Metal Catalysis, Catalytic metalation, Mechanisms, DFT calculations
3) Direct cross-coupling, Functional and Site Diversity
4) Natural product, Material and Pharmaceuticals synthesis