Alan Bassindale and Peter Taylor教授-学术报告

上传时间 :2017-04-27 15:18:55    浏览次数 :401    作者与来源 :苏丽

报告人:Alan Bassindale and Peter Taylor教授 (英国开放大学,The Open University, UK






Professor Alan Bassindale

Professor Bassindale studied at the University of Sussex, England where he graduated with BSc Chemistry and DPhil Organosilicon Chemistry.

After post doctoral studies in spectroscopy at Sussex he held academic posts at Exeter University, England and Toronto University, Canada. He returned to England in 1974 and joined The Open University where he is now Professor Emeritus. He was Dean of Science (1994-9) and served several terms as Vice President (1999-2016). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and has been on many UK and international organosilicon committees.

He has published a large number of papers and articles in organosilicon chemistry, many with Professor Peter Taylor. They have worked together for 35 years and co-supervised about 30 PhD students and post doctoral fellows and have established international reputations in POSS chemistry, bio-organosilicon chemistry and structural and mechanistic organosilicon chemistry.

Professor Peter Taylor

Professor Taylor studied at the University of East Anglia, England where he graduated with BSc Chemistry and PhD in mechanistic organic chemistry.

Following post doctoral studies at Exeter University, UK he joined The Open University in 1978 where he is now Professor of Organic Chemistry. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and has been on a number of RSC and ACS committees.

In addition to his research with Alan Bassindale (above) he has published on enzyme catalysis and other biological systems. He is also an international expert in teaching in Universities and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has lectured all over the world on assessment and computer technology in teaching.

Professors Bassindale and Taylor have industrial relationships involving contact lenses, chromatography columns, manufacture of organosilicon materials and silicone treatment of masonry.