
上传时间 :2015-06-24 10:38:25    浏览次数 :404    作者与来源 :





Is 15% Efficiecny from single junction polymer solar cells achievable?

Professor Xiong Gong

Department of Polymer Engineering, College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, USA


  In this presentation, I will share with you three stories on how to approach high performance solution-processed polymer solar cells and what is the strategy to approach 15% efficiency from single-junction polymer solar cells.

  1. By      development of novel 2D conjugated polymer to enhance the hole mobility of      conjugated polymers, we are able to observe over 10 % efficiency from      single-junction polymer solar cells;

  2. By      application of magnetic nanoparticles and external magnetic field into      bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells, we are able to observe more than      50 % enhanced efficiency from single junction polymer solar cells;

  3. By tuning      the surface energy of the electron extraction layer, we are able to      observe over 7 % efficiency from inverted polymer solar cells with over 1      µm thick active layer, the best efficiency from polymer solar cells with      printable active layer.

Short Bio of Dr. Xiong Gong


Currently, Dr. Gong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, The University of Akron. He is also an Adjunct Chair Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Luminescence Materials and Devices at the South China University of Technology, P. R. China, and holds a Chief Scientist position at the Heeger Beijing R&D Center. Dr. Gong received his B. Sc. from Northwest Normal University, M. Sc. from Lanzhou University and Ph. D. from Nankai University. He did post-doctoral with Prof. Alan J. Heeger in the University of California Santa Barbara. Dr. Gong received many international and national awards including the top 1% mostly cited scientists in the field of materials science between 2002 and 2012 reported by Thomson Reuters, USA NSF CAREER award, 3M Faculty Award and NSF of China Oversea Outstanding Chinese Youngest Scientist Award. He has accomplished over 150 articles published in the peer reviewed journals including in Science and Nature, Advanced Materials, Energy and Environmental Science, JSCS with a peer citation over 15,000 times. He earned an H-index of 48. He also contributed 33 granted and pending patents and 8 book chapters.